For The Love Of Teaching

Grade 2
I rarely discuss my accomplishments, it's just not something I do. But I'm making an exception because I am just so happy with the feedback I've been given recently.

Grade 2
Basically, us interns get two 'reports'. One from Bond, our employers. Daisy and Wendy feedback to them how we are getting on. The second is from JuCheng Primary School itself.
At the beginning we were told about bonuses available from both institutions if they are impressed with our work, but not to get our hopes up.

Working with Grade 3 English Corner
Well, Bond awarded me Teacher of the Month. To say I was shocked is an understatement. Whilst I have experience of working with children, never have I had to plan, prepare and deliver lessons. The responsibility can sometimes feel a little overwhelming - especially with no formal training. I figured I would just do what I thought was best and then adjust depending on what the teachers say. There have been some stressful times, but I absolutely love it. I honestly don't mind putting extra hours, because the smiling faces are worth it!

With Vicky from Grade 3
It feels strange to receive such recognition and reward for something I like doing. Especially as an inexperienced intern who just turned up after completing an online course! But I have learned that part of it is just the Chinese way. They are so grateful for everything we do and sometimes I feel like they're upset when we don't ask them for help. We are two very different cultures working together so sometimes it can be a strain - the British just like to get on with things without making a fuss and the Chinese are the total opposite! They want to help us with anything. So much so that Daisy has pretty much turned into mother hen and anytime anyone sneezes she asks if we need to see a doctor!

Yes, the girl named after my sister :)
Grade 1 - Frank
So this award came with a little bonus. Something to put towards my travel plans before I come home. Plus JuCheng are also happy with us and all the foreign teachers got a little bonus from them (as they call it - lucky money!). The only problem now is that I need to keep it up! I wish my other interns luck and as there are only 4 more opportunities to get it and 4 teachers - it won't bother me not to get it again. Having said that, I'm putting in some extra effort so I don't start slacking!

To celebrate this, I've added in some pictures of the children I teach. I can honestly say that I enjoy teaching them and whilst a few can be challenging, they are all lovely.

Here's a quick breakdown of what I get up to!

Grade 1 - Bosco
Grade 1 -Jarid
Grade 1 - I do arts and crafts. They're a real mixed bunch. Some started English in kindergarten, some had no knowledge prior to starting school. My lessons aren't so much vocabulary with them, more just engaging them and allowing them to use they English they have learnt. Asking for colours, saying please and thank you. Plus writing their English name. Often they shout out 'pencil' and 'rubber' when they need one. I'll try to reinforce their English lessons as well as introduce some new words. But honestly, if they can make it through the lesson without getting told off (it doesn't take much for the Chinese teacher to tell someone off) then it's good!

Grade 2 - happy as ever.
Grade 2 - Often my favourite classes involve these kids. They are so sweet and attentive. There's a big variation in their level of English, but it almost doesn't matter as they all sit quietly and listen when they need to, then join in with activities when I ask. I almost never feel apprehensive about this grade - it's genuine fun when I'm with them. Their classroom is next door to the office so if I walk out during a lesson break they tend to swarm around me shouting my name repeatedly.

Grade 3
Grade 3 - The hardest class I teach, mainly because a third of them are new and can't speak any English. We've now divided them up and have to plan separate lessons aimed at their level. Before it was hard to teach the curriculum and have the majority of the class gazing off because they couldn't follow. Thankfully the new system seems to be working. Even with the difficulties, they are a lovely (although slightly unruly) bunch who still walk into class with smiles on their faces.
Angel from Grade 1

So there it is. I'm almost half way through. Yes I do miss my family and friends (and the cinema - oh how I miss the cinema!) but I'm still having an awesome time.

 Until next time

Hannah (aka Teacher of the month 😉)

Grade 1 - Eason
P.s Yes, this school has so far worn 4 different uniforms. I'm excited to see what they wear in winter!


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