
Showing posts from October, 2017

For The Love Of Teaching

Grade 2 I rarely discuss my accomplishments, it's just not something I do. But I'm making an exception because I am just so happy with the feedback I've been given recently. Grade 2 Basically, us interns get two 'reports'. One from Bond, our employers. Daisy and Wendy feedback to them how we are getting on. The second is from JuCheng Primary School itself. At the beginning we were told about bonuses available from both institutions if they are impressed with our work, but not to get our hopes up. Working with Grade 3 English Corner Well, Bond awarded me Teacher of the Month . To say I was shocked is an understatement. Whilst I have experience of working with children, never have I had to plan, prepare and deliver lessons. The responsibility can sometimes feel a little overwhelming - especially with no formal training. I figured I would just do what I thought was best and then adjust depending on what the teachers say. There have been some stressful

Golden Week

Longshan Park So firstly, apologies for such a long gap between posts. You may be aware that the 19th Meeting of Congress is currently taking place in China. As such, the government has become (more) strict on internet usage. So VPNs (which is how I access google and therefore, this blog) have not always been working. It's a small price to pay for this experience and it hasn't much bothered me - it's been quite refreshing not to be on Facebook or Whatsapp all the time! Fisher Girl Statue - perfecting the pose! Anyway my last post got quite a positive reaction - I'm glad so many of you liked it. As I made it during Golden Week I realise I never actually showed you what I got up to in my time off, so here's a sneak peak: Summer Palace I mostly explored Xiaolen (where I am living). Because of the heat I hadn't been out much and it's only recently just started cooling down. I started the week by going to Longshan Park - which translates to Dragon

Happy Birthday China!

 I know I said no more videos, but I thought this was deserving of the effort 😜

Let's clear a few things up!

After my last post I feel there's probably a few things I need to clarify! 1. I can get tea out here. Just not 'proper' milk. Dairy is scarce out here. 2. The reason I have metal chopsticks is a) they're easier to maintain and b) they were part of a cheap set 😂 3. The agadoo is a classic and will remain that way.  English Club: if doubt, just dance around! The reason for lack of dairy is that (apparently) 80% of Asians are lactose intolerant. It would make sense seeing as it's not common out here. The only cows they rear are for beef, and pork is more popular choice anyway. If you got into Macdonalds or Burger King here, most of the burger options are either chicken or pork. Any beef burger is automatically in the most expensive price bracket. English Corner with Grade 3 Speaking of food, China is slowly becoming more western in it's preferred food choice. I spent a Sunday morning observing Taz's lessons and in one of them the (teenage) chi