A Day by the Beach

 Many moons ago I studied music in Brighton. It meant living there for a year.

I loved it. Very much my vibe. It was also expensive to live. After my year ended I had the opportunity to extend it for another 2 years to complete a degree. I wasn't sure I wanted a career in music bad enough to fork out the costs involved. I deferred for a year to have some time to think, and in that year I found guitar teaching, which lead on to working in education. The rest is history.

Still I miss Brighton and would love to live there. So I decided to take a day trip, by myself. And that's what I did. I packed up my film camera (a recent-ish hobby and still a total novice)

Getting there should have been uneventful, but I am the idiot who checked everything in their car except the coolant level. And we were in a heatwave so you can guess what happened. On the A23, just 10 mins from Brighton, my engine light came on. A very nice non-judgemental AA dude came to the rescue to top up the coolant and I was back on the road with only half an hour delay. I parked up at the park and ride and got a bus straight into the city centre. I got off at the station and was greeted with the view down the hill onto the ocean front, and I felt myself smile. I had a little checklist of things to do and off I went.

First up - beer on the beach. I was driving so just the one. I got a spot at OHSO Social which was right on the beach front. I just sat, listened to music and enjoyed the sea air. The food there wasn't much to write home about but the location was just what I needed. The beer was a Beavertown Neck Oil. Something I've had many times and enjoy so as I was only having one I thought I should make it one I like.

Next up - the pier. I wandered up and down the pier taking many photos which cost a lot to develop. I bought some rock for the family, and got myself an ice cream. Years ago I did a day trip with some friend and it rained so heavily that we got drenched through. Somewhere there's a picture of us at the end of the pier with hoods up and unimpressed. I was a little saddened to discover the end is now shut off especially as the weather was so much better this time but never mind. 

I also came face to face with my arch nemesis - the seagull.

Backstory -  In 2019 I went to Brighton Pride. Good times all round except for when I was eating a battered sausage and chips on the beach. Seagulls everywhere, it was like being in the Hitchcock film 'The Birds'. Anytime I took a bite of my food I had to quickly shut the lid. Everyone in our group did. All going well until a seagull swopped down, scrapped my head, and took the last bit of sausage out of my hand. The evil thing had ketchup on it's beak and just hung out in front of me, gloating.  HATE CRIME!

I didn't want to waste money in the arcade so I left and started walking towards Hove. Next up on the nostalgia tour was to catch a glimpse of BIMM, where I studied music. I was only there a year, I haven't used music in my work recently and I doubt any staff or student remember me. It was also a bloody long walk just to see it.  I don't remember it being that far away but I was fitter back then. But it was a long walk along the beachfront on a nice sunny day so couldn't complain, plus BIMM was the reason I got to live there. 

Then I walked back into town and headed to the lanes. By this point my feet and knees were sore (I'm slightly broken) so found a cool looking pub called William the Fourth in the north lanes and took time to rest and grab a few shots on film. Seeing as I was driving I opted for a coke and I realised that I still couldn't afford to live there - £4.60!!

Anyway, I wandered the lanes, resisted the urge to buy anything in GAK and Dave's Comics, found some other cool looking shops and pubs, and made mental notes of where to visit next time I come.

After that I got on a packed bus back to my car (which took longer that the first time and induced a slight panic I'd got on the wrong one). Then I drove over to Peacehaven, 10 miles from Brighton along the coast but took about half an hour. I met a friend for a meal at a lovely pub called The Smuggler's Rest. It's right on the coastline and looks out to the sea. I got there a bit earlier than her to enjoyed the last of day light and beautiful views.

After dinner, it was a pitstop at a garage to get some extra coolant (yes, the engine was that thirsty) and then a cautious drive, arriving home around 23:30ish. 

The next day I was tired and sore from all the walking, but couldn't rest as I had a tattoo appointment. I might post the result soon :)


All photos taken on a Pentax ME Super, Lomo800 (colour film), Ilford 400 (black and white film).


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