Sports Day

Sports Day in China is nothing like I have seen before. From my own sports days as a child, to those I help with now, I can honestly say that here, it is the most incredible experience.

What Happens.
In the school there are 37 classes, each with roughly 45 children. For this reason, it is spread over two days. They have an opening ceremony which local VIPs are invited to watch. Parents take part as well and it is a massive celebration to honour the school and China.
Scott from Grade 1

Everyone of those 37 classes put on a performance, some of which include the parents! It will be no surprise to hear that I could not understand any of the chants or songs performed, but I was told at the end of every performance they recite a chant that basically means 'I love my school, I love China'. I've never seen such patriotism.

'Bundled' by Grade 2
Each class queued up waiting their turn to perform and they were all so excited. I found my Grade 2s to wish them luck and they just kept showing me their props and costumes. They also, very proudly, told me their prop shapes and colours in English. I was a very proud 'Teacher Hannah'. I went to take a photo with them and the next thing I knew they were climbing all over me desperate for a hug! Most of them were obscured by their props but you can see a small portion of them 😋
Some special visitors!

The determination!
As you can see from the pictures, a lot of hard work and preparation is put into these two days. In the lead I had a few cancelled classes (last minute) so the children could practice.
The actual competition escaped me, I had work to do but as you can see, I was sent a few pictures of the tug of war - a competition taken extremely seriously!

Other News
I'm making plans for my week of travel for after this internship - won't say anything until the time comes but I'm quite excited!

I don't know who these children are!
Also today I had to make another trip to the hospital, thanks to what started off as a normal mosquito bite that became something ferocious overnight. This time Alyson came with me and we experienced our first Rickshaw ride! I quite enjoyed it - but only because it was on quieter roads. Not sure I want to be in one on the 4 lane road to my apartment! Anyway, I shall spare you a picture, even though the size is quite spectacular.

I have a cold. This upsets me because it's still 23 degrees. And in the next few days will go down to 18. The other week I put on a jumper. I've had the horrible realisation that I'm acclimatised to this weather. All I ask on my return, is heating, blankets and tea.

Endless Celebrations!
And finally, Alyson and I had joint Teacher of the Month. So happy that our hard work is paying off. We celebrated with MacDonald's.

See ya next time!

Hannah 😊


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